Essay on Sport Scandal and Sponsorship Decisions

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Carnegie Mellon University
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What was the impact of sport scandal on the end user attitudes toward sport stakeholders?

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In sports, we have two groups. One is the in group or diehard fans. The other is the out group. The In groups fans favored the team. On the hand, in group fans are so unforgiving to individuals who are implicated in the team. While the out group fans have a negative attitude towards the whole team. They despite the entire team being scandalous.

How did the sport scandal affect the sponsors decisions?

When a scandal usually hits a team, majority of sponsors favors a sponsorship termination decision towards the team. Only a minority of sponsors stick with the decisions to continue sponsoring the team.

What was the fans attitude towards the implicated individual in the team?

When an individual is being implicated to have committed doping in a team, die-hard fans are so unforgiving on the individual. On the other hand, outgroups fans tend to believe the problem caused by that individual is a representation of the entire unit.

What was the response of the fans towards the sponsors brand on the implicated team?

In-group fans tend to urge the sponsor not to terminate the sponsorship with the team. Consequently, outgroup favor the sponsor to terminate the sponsorship it has with the team.

What is the implication of fans response towards the sports?

Fans usually show an insignificant change in which they view the activity once the scandal is earthed. But if the transgression is severe, it affects the fans response towards the sport as a whole

The Following Websites Are Reliable and Have Credible Information about Sports Scandals and Their Effect NCBI Literature PubMed Central (PMC)

National Center for Biotechnology Information website is being hosted by U.S National Library of Medicine. This website has reliable and dependable information since they do research, test for credibility of all information getting in and publish it after synthesizing it adequately. itself is hosting BBC website. This site of BBC always has the credible and reliable content since it has journalists who does the thorough investigation from trustworthy bodies or agencies before they compile, edit and publish what they have found out. Resource is being hosted by Harvards Shorenstein Center on Media, Public Policy, and Politics. The website of Journalists Resource is a credible and reliable site since it contains top governmental and academic research that are selected and synthesized well.

Notes to the Questions

What was the impact of sport scandal on the end user attitudes toward the team?

In groups fans to favor the team than out group fans despite the team being scandalous

Die-hard fans are so unforgiving to individuals implicated in the team

How did the sport scandal affect the sponsors decisions?

The majority of sponsors favors a termination decision

Minority of sponsors stick with the decisions to continue sponsoring the team.

What was the fans attitude towards the implicated individual in the team?

Die-hard fans are so unforgiving on the individual

Outgroups fans tend to believe the problem caused by that individual is a representation of the entire unit

What was the response of the fans towards the sponsors brand on the implicated team?

In-group fans tend to urge the sponsor not to terminate the sponsorship.

Outgroup are for the termination of the sponsorship.

What is the implication of fans response towards the sports?

Show an insignificant change in which they view the activity once the scandal is earthed.

If the transgression is severe, it affects the fans response towards the sport as a whole

Work cited

Chien, P. Monica, Sarah J. Kelly, and Clinton S. Weeks. "Sport scandal and sponsorship decisions: Team identification matters." Journal of Sport Management 30.5 (2016): 490-505.

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