Discussion: No Home to Go To

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1. Choose and discuss one Case Presentation from your reading assignment.

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I have chosen the case presentation No Home to Go To in this assignment. The case explains of a 34-year-old Caucasian woman by name Ms. Brown who comes to an emergency room in search of a head injury treatment, abrasions, and minor bruises. Through this case, I will identify an ethical theory and principles that relate to the case, discuss my ethically bound role as a nurse caring for Ms. Brown supporting my responses with the American Nurses Association code of ethics, analyze how the case issue may influence health care decisions both legally and ethically, and compare and contrast my initial response to my final response after analyzing the case scenario.

Ms. Brown was assaulted together with her boyfriend, Roy, whom they were sleeping with, in a protected entrance to a city parking elevator 20 hours before she reports to the emergency room for treatment. The two young men, who assaulted them, beat, kicked them and stole Roys wallet which had $5. Ms. Brown says that she has been living homeless for more than a year; she stays in the city shelters but during the day she spends time roaming in the city so as to secure food from the various programs for the poor. Ms. Brown had come to the hospital due to dizziness that obstructed her from going to the church where she could get food. She explains that the little they earn from doing odd jobs, they spend it to support Roy drug habits though she is trying to help him overcome them.

The hospital physician had the nurse clean the scalp and dress the traumatic lesion on Ms. Brown damaged parts. The physician expects a contusion and alludes that Ms. Brown should take a rest for some few days before she proceeds to a neurological clinic in case the dizziness becomes worse. The nurse responds that Ms. Brown has no place to sleep, and she must use the public transportation for her to get to the clinic. The physician concludes that this is beyond her after realizing that.

2. Identify an ethical theory and principles important to the case.

On analyzing the case, it is evident that Ms. Brown is a poor lady together with her boyfriend Roy though they use the little they earn on Roy drug habits. They mostly rely on the food that is distributed by various programs of the poor. They stay in the city shelters and during the day they just roam in the city centers looking for the odd jobs. Ms. Brown doesnt have somewhere to rest for a few days before she proceeds to the neurological clinic. To address this case, I will use the deontology ethical theory.

Deontology ethical theory is based on the respect, rights, and duties of people as ends in themselves. The theory places value on the individual intentions rather the action outcomes and focuses on the set rules, duties, and obligations (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). The theory requires absolute adherence to the established requirements and actions from duty to be ethical. Both the physician and the nurse should act on the value of the life of their patient, Ms. Brown. They should get a way of helping the patient to rest for the three days since this is their duty as provided in the American Nurses Association provision 4 which states that a nurse has the responsibility, accountability, and authority for the nursing practices (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). The nurse has the responsibility of taking an action that would promote the health of Ms. Brown while providing optimal care.

Both the physician and the nurse should apply the principle of beneficence that advocates for the doing good and the advocacy of patients. They should have compassion and take the possible positive actions to help Ms. Brown for her desired good. Beneficence in the nursing practice requires that clients receive the best treatment from the health care providers for them to achieve the optimal results (Altun, 2012).

Fidelity principle would also be important in helping Ms. Brown to acquire optimal treatment. Fidelity principle requires the health care professionals dedication, advocacy, truthfulness, loyalty and fairness (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). Fidelity involves the concept of keeping the commitments based upon the caring virtue (Craven & Hirnle, 2009). Either the physician or the nurse can promise Ms. Brown on how to help her get some rest for the few days and how she will get to the neurological professions in case the dizziness persists. Ms. Brown, on the other hand, may promise to give the maximum cooperation and act in good faith while she gets helped.

3. Discuss your ethically bound role as a nurse caring for the client in this situation supporting your response with the ANA Code of Ethics.

In this case, I am ethically bound to handle the patient with compassion in respect to her worth, inherent dignity and unique attributes as highlighted in the American Nurses Association. I should be so much concerned with the optimal health of Ms. Brown more so her health safety. As a nurse, I have the authority, responsibility, and the accountability to make various decisions, actions, and the obligations of promoting the client health care.

I am bound to the nursing ethics to promote a safe environment for the optimal health care of patients. I may decide to come up with various alternatives for the proper health of the client without altering the set hospital rules and regulations. I may search for an extra bed in the hospital where the client can rest for the three days as recommended by the physician. Alternatively, acting in good faith I would collaborate with other health professionals to promote the client health diplomacy and other disparities through the guidance of the eight provision of the American Nurses Association. The eight rule states that a nurse should collaborate with public and other professional health care providers to promote health care diplomacy, human rights and reducing the disparities in health care (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008).

4. Analyze how the issue may influence health care decisions both ethically and legally.

The issue may influence the health care decisions both legally and ethically. Legally, there could be legal issues arising due to the congestions in the hospital as I would be looking for an extra bed to host Ms. Brown. Another legal issue would arise on the payment of the medical fees that would accumulate in the treatment of Ms. Brown. These legal issues would be clarified on what should be done in case of this scenario. As we nurses are bound for the optimal health care of our patients, I may decide to collaborate with other health care professionals to have the client hosted or hospitalized in other medical centers and the patient may develop ethical concerns. The ethical concerns would trigger the emphasis of ethical principles in health care delivery.

5. Compare and contrast your initial response with your response after analyzing the scenario.

My initial response and my final response are similar. At first, I thought that the nurse in collaboration with the physician should make the final decision on how Ms. Brown should get treatment. In both responses, initial and last, I have concluded that the nurse has to take a crucial role in making sure that Ms. Brown gets the appropriate treatment of the sustained assault injuries. After having a clear understanding of the American Nurses Association, I have realized that the nurse should take the corrective action on what should be next after the doctor through the guidance of the physician recommendations on what should be done. I have discovered that nurse has the authority, duty, and responsibility making most of the nursing decision. Provided that the physician has given the recommendations, the nurse can decide on what to do next.


Altun, I.(2012).Ethics and values. Ed: Asti T, Ocakci FA. Fundamentals of nursing, Akademi Publisher, Istanbul, Sayfa 80-122.

Burkhardt, M. & Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics & issues in contemporary nursing. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. Pg 204-229

Craven R, & Hirnle C. (2009). Ethical and legal concerns. Fundamentals of Nursing, Sixth Edition, Chapter 6, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, Canada,75-97.

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