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Ancient Greeks are proof enough that philosophy is the origin of all sciences. Archimedes was a philosopher first and a mathematician and physicist second. The same is true for Aristotle, Pythagoras and dozens of others. However, as humanity changed and evolved, so did the mainstream philosophical movements. And in the early 19th century, Cambridge, Massachusetts, became the birthplace of transcendentalism philosophy, spearheaded by Emerson and Thoreau. They were believers in human goodness, self-awareness, and independence and thought that nature was the only way humans could get close to the divine. 

So what is an example of transcendentalism? “Walden” may be among the best-known samples of Thoreau’s prose of the time. The work covers his experience of spending over 14 months alone in a cabin on Walden Pond.

But why should you care about this long-forgotten philosophy school? Is it still relevant? If you’re looking for an example of transcendentalists today, you do not need to look past newsfeeds and social trends. Most western societies share at least some transcendentalists’ beliefs, like the value of each individual and their inherent goodness. However, other views, like the corruption by societal norms and spiritual beliefs, have fallen by the wayside.

You may have to write transcendentalism essays whether you are interested in the idea or not. Either way, your journey should always start with choosing the perfect topic for your class, major, and professor. 

What Are Good Transcendentalism Essay Topics?

Considering transcendentalism achieved its peak in the middle of the 19th century, finding an exciting topic for your assignment can be tricky. Still, there are many creative ways to make your piece relevant and fresh while staying on topic, regardless of your major or course. Here are some inspirational examples of essay topics related to transcendentalism:

  • For Gender Studies, discover the origins of feminism in the works of Margaret Fuller and trace them to the current state of the equal rights movement.

  • For Literature classes, analyze different depictions of nature and individualism as the subject of transcendentalist literature. Contrast it with modern transcendental films. 

  • For History assignments, focus your transcendentalist essay on the Boston school of thought’s influence on the slavery abolition movement.

  • For Theology classes, you can choose a host of issues to discuss, from the apparent influence of the Indian scripture to the spiritual meaning given to natural phenomena.

And, of course, there’s plenty of ground to cover if you’re writing about the transcendentalism belief system for your Philosophy class. In this case, you should narrow down the topic to ensure the final piece meets the professor’s requirements and word count. For instance, for a short essay, you may focus on the works or ideas of one of the movement’s leaders, while a research paper may call for an overview of different philosophers and writers.

How to Start Your Writing on the Right Foot?

With your essay topic in mind, it’s time to get down to writing. And that’s where most students get stumped. With no idea how to transform random thoughts and ideas into coherent writing on such a complex subject, many are overwhelmed by the mere glimpse of a blank page. The easiest way to get over this hurdle is reading sample transcendentalism writing.

Luckily for you, we have quite a collection where you can find any essay on essays on transcendentalism. While you browse a sample or two, keep an eye out for:

  • Thesis statement. You may model one for your essay using the same template or structure.

  • Major points. Even if you don’t use them all, a couple can be enough to point you in the right direction.

  • Introduction and conclusion. Perfect hooks and parting thoughts are notoriously challenging to develop, so be on the lookout for examples to steal or adopt.

  • Reference section. Pick and choose among credible and relevant sources to cite in your paper.

Transcendentalism Essay Samples

  1. Transcendentalism by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Literary Analysis Essay on Never Bet the Devil Your Head by Edgar Allan Poe

Don’t despair if you can’t find the right transcendentalism essay example for your assignment. We can still help you submit your piece on time. Reach out to our team, and we’ll find an expert to work on your project among dozens of Philosophy gurus in our talent pool. Even if you have only a day or two to spare, we will deliver your top-grade paper on time, ready for submission.