Assessing the Organizations Structures and Employee Satisfaction

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Due to high employee turnover in Antasis Pte. Ltd, the review was aimed towards assessing if the management principles and practices put in place is the cause for their resignation from the company. The review is meant to advocate for effective management in the organizations to achieve employee satisfaction and hence high productivity in the organization. The study area is related to the research since it focuses on some of the contemporary issues affecting growing organizations across the world. The section will also give a detailed summary of the study rationale and discuss other related studies on the effective management towards employee satisfaction.

Summary of purpose, rationale, and related literature

The purpose of conducting this research was to assess the different organization structure and managerial functions and link them to employee satisfaction. The research was also meant to find suitable employee retention strategies that can be employed at Antasis Pte. Ltd.

Various literature exists on the effective managerial functions towards achieving employee satisfaction. One of the studies has stated the relationship between the performance and satisfaction (Nkomo Fottler & Mcafee 2011). Good management in the organization influences the employee satisfaction and, therefore, increases productivity in the organization. The management functions show a significant influence on the level of employee satisfaction in any given organization regardless of their size and complexity.

Good organization culture is also linked with the employee satisfaction. It is important to note that an organization with a good working relation between the top managers and their employees and also between the employees creates an effective working relation. The good organization culture can only be achieved when the best management is in place. Furthermore, effective management will help realize a motivated workforce and reduce turnovers as well.

Methodology and research design

The mixed methods design will be used in the data collection because it draws from both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. The study will employ explanatory and exploratory mixed methods design. Exploratory research is the initial study conducted on a hypothesis.

The main area of focus was at Antasis Pte. Ltd. due to the high employee turnover recorded. The exploratory research, as expressed in the literature review, lays the background for the main study. Exploratory research seeks to discover new angles on the study.

Research design

The research design is described as the blueprint for any research study. It involves the study type, sub-type, hypotheses and variables, and the analysis plan. It highlights the approach and methodology used in the research. The key variables in the study include employment satisfaction and effective management. The research design in this study assumes several forms for both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. Qualitative data took the form of interviews, records, observation notes and documents while quantitative data took the form of checklists, instrument data, and numeric records.

Research population

In this study, the population should comprise of all employees in the organization. The study population included workers, supervisors, and managers. In many organizations, the supervisor or manager acts as the administrator and management representative, making them the key influencers on employee satisfaction.

Study sample

The study sample is a subset of a study population. The research team used the criteria of choosing two out of every ten workers. Gender was not a significant factor. The total study sample included 20 employees. Limitations mentioned like time factor, demand for compensation, and the resignation of some workers before the interview also contributed to determining the study sample.

Research instruments

Research instrument records are used to provide information on authentication and operation of research instruments in general. They indicate studies that have used specific instruments and their purpose, variables, sample population, methodology, and other instruments. Validation and Utilization instrument records are used to give details on the authentication and operation studies of specific instruments. They also indicate the purpose, variables, sample population, and methodology of the instruments. Due to the complexity of the research, we decided to use interviews and questionnaires. The workers would fill questionnaires.

Ethical issues

When conducting a study, the researchers have to ensure that the rights of their subjects are protected. Their forms were assigned numbers as opposed to having them fill out their personal details. I also had respondents waiver their rights to demand any compensation as part of participation. Any information is given of completed the questionnaire automatically became the property of the research.

People whose ideas and thoughts were reflected in the study were also recognized and mentioned. It is done to uphold honesty and acknowledge the contribution of others. Passing up copyrighted material as your own is considered as an offense. An ethical clearance form was also signed to certify the validity of the information in the research.

Limitations of the study

I faced some complications while conducting the field study. The first complication was an under-estimate of resources used. During the research, I had to print many more questionnaires, because several respondents misinterpreted the information in the questionnaire. Others chose to discuss the questions with their peers, meaning their answers and opinions were influenced. I had to produce new questionnaires and guide them to answer the questionnaires on their own, giving their personal views.

I faced a different complication in the data collection procedure. The research design was meant to incorporate the mixed method design, therefore applying the use of online questionnaires as part of primary data collection. It was a challenge because of the interpretation of some open-ended questions in the questionnaire. This complication was solved by designing a slightly different questionnaire for the online survey. The team realized that most of the respondents experiences were similar. Therefore, I restructured the questions and made the open-ended questions closed.

Key findings and implications

Many organizations have the years experienced employee turnover and have cost them millions of dollar in a move to recruit new employees. However, the majority of the managements have failed to acknowledge ineffective managerial functions as the primary course of the employee turnover witnessed. Employers have tried different ways with the move of ensuring that the employees remain satisfied in the organizations. It is evident from the findings that various organizations need to put in place effective management to succeed in all the aspects of management. A good management teams will create a conducive working environment for the employees and create a better corporate culture. There will be effective communication and conflict of duties cannot be a witness in the organization. Additionally, the policies will allow employees to work together on different tasks that may be difficult to the individual persons.

Continuous training should be undertaken by the management and create a more competent management team and create flexible policies that can allow employees attend to agent issues in their personal lives like attending to a sick child. During this time, they can be permitted to leave their workstations before time or extended lunch breaks for family matters. This will for sure ensure they are satisfied in their workplaces and increase productivity in their organization. Other than the non-monetary compensation like sick leaves, and recognition in the workplace, the management should also device awards like the monthly or yearly award to keep the employees motivated and curb employee turnover.

A comprehensive objective should be set by the management and the employees that are specific, measurable, and attainable and with a time-frame. This will help create employees awareness of satisfaction in their workplace. Additionally, the objective should be linked with the managers accountability and team bonus also to help the management understand the satisfaction points for their workforce.

Both the management and the employees should be coached on effective communication a key factor in ensuring satisfaction and increased productivity. Managers should organize frequent one on one discussion with their employees on their working progress and performance yearly or even on a monthly basis. During these discussions, they should be allowed to express their views both positive and negative and made suggestions on how they can increase their productivity.


It is evident that employees are always disengaged in organization affairs because they often feel they are not involved in the development, and the management has failed to provide proactive support towards their development. Managers in every organization need to improve in the corporate management to ensure their employees are motivated. This will be done through performance feedback and even give more challenging tasks to the employees. Additionally the organization needs to create a corporate culture that will allow employees to relate well with each other and communicate effectively with the required position in the organization.

There are a lot of personal challenges that occur to the employees outside the job environment that may not be noticed in case there is an effective management put in place by the top management.

Therefore, continuous job evaluation and remuneration need to be done in the organization to achieve a successful workforce. Managers can then provide their employee with the required resources to carry out their duties after engaging with them.


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